Friday, 18 September 2020

B class: Body Parts

 B class-Body Parts: match

B class: Daily activities

 B class-Daily activities: audio/picture match

B class: Sea life

 B class-Sea life: audio/picture match

A class: Rooms & actions

 A class-Rooms & actions: pairing game

A class: Joe's house

 A class- Joe's house (rooms): audio/picture match

A class: Big Bad Wolf (face)

 A class-Big Bad Wolf (face parts): audio/picture match

A class: Face parts

 A class-Face parts: audio/picture match

A class: Roby the robot (Body Parts)


A class-Roby the robot (Body Parts): audio/picture match

A class-Let's go to the circus

 A class-Let's go to the circus: find the pairs

A class The Circus-Audio/Picture match

 A class The Circus-Audio/Picture match

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Δ' τάξη Vocabulary

 Unit 1 A new student in class

Ε' τάξη Vocabulary

Unit 1 Do you like computers? 

Learn the vocabulary HERE

 Play  - Vocabulary GAMES! 👍

ΣΤ' τάξη Unit 2 At the Supermarket (Shopping at the Grocery Store)

ΣΤ' τάξη Unit 2 At the Supermarket (Shopping at the Grocery Store) 

ΣΤ΄τάξη: Unit 2 Fashion & Shopping

 ΣΤ΄τάξη: Unit 2  Fashion & Shopping

ΣΤ΄ τάξη Unit 4: Flight Vocabulary

 ΣΤ΄ τάξη Unit 4: Flight Vocabulary

Shopping & Budget expressions

 Shopping & Budget expressions

Days of the Week by Anna Melidou

 Days of the week

My family by Anna Melidou

 My Family

Food 2 by Anna Melidou

 Food 2

Fruit by Anna Melidou


Clothes by Anna Melidou


"Things I like doing" by Anna Melidou

 Things I like doing

Sports by Anna Melidou


Food Vocabulary by Anna Melidou


Jobs by Anna Melidou


Saturday, 12 September 2020

 ΣΤ΄ τάξη Grammar-Go to the page

Practice worksheets for the ΣΤ΄Τάξη grammar

Ε' τάξη Grammar

 Ε' τάξη Grammar-Go to the page

Fairy light ...grammar & practice for your E΄τάξη savies 👀

Friday, 11 September 2020

Δ' τάξη Grammar

 Δ' τάξη Grammar-Go to the page

All the grammar & exercises that you need for your Δ' Τάξη 😎